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Books and Book Chapters
1. 雷旭. 第八章 源分析. 胡理,张治国等著,脑电信号处理与特征提取,科学出版社,2020年12月 |
3.Xu Lei. Source Analysis. In: Hu, L., Zhang, Z. (Eds.), EEG Signal Processing and Feature Extraction. Springer Singapore, Singapore, 2019. pp. 159-189.(中文版同1) |
6. 雷旭 尧德中. 同步脑电-功能磁共振(EEG-fMRI)原理与技术. 北京:科学出版社. 2014年3月. ISBN 978-7-03-039983-0.
图书介绍:本书以作者相关研究工作为基础,结合同步EEG-fMRI领域的最新发展写出。内容深入浅出,兼顾理论的系统性和内容的实用性,力图系统地展示同步EEG-fMRI这一新技术的概貌,挖掘该技术在脑功能研究中的巨大潜力。书中内容可供认知神经科学、神经科学、心理学及医学等方面的科研人员、教师、研究生及本科生学习和参考。 |
7. Xu Lei. EEG-fMRI Fusion Based on Bayesian Theory. PhD Thesis. University of Electronic Science and Technology of China. June 2011 Keywords: Simultaneous EEG-fMRI; Fusion; Multimodal imaging; Bayesian theory; EEG source imaging; hemodynamic response function. [中文版] 8. Xu Lei, Dezhong Yao. EEG Source Localization Based on Multiple fMRI Spatial Patterns. In: Wang Ruibing, Gu Fanji, eds. Advances in Cognitive Neurodynamics (II): Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2009:381-386. 9. Xu Lei, Huafu Chen, Dezhong Yao, Guanhua Luo. An Improved Ordered Subsets Expectation Maximization Reconstruction. In: Jiao L, Wang L, Gao X-b, Liu J, Wu F, eds. Advances in Natural Computation: Springer Berlin / Heidelberg; 2006:968-971. |